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Welcome to Louisiana Square Dance Association
The official folk dance of Louisiana
Live 10 years longer! Travel! Make new friends! Be a part of SOMETHING!
The official folk dance of Louisiana
The UNITED SQUARE DANCERS OF AMERICA, INC. (USDA) was formed on June 26, 1981, during the National Square Dance Convention held in Seattle, Washington, and has grown to the size that approaches the representation of 310,000 dancers throughout the United States.
General Information:
International Association of Square Dance Callers We are an international organization of square dance callers. Our mission statement is “To foster the art of square dance calling, and improve caller skills”. We fulfill this mission by providing guidance and education, certifying caller coaches, maintaining standardized lists of calls and definitions, and generally promoting the square dance activity”
The ARTS mission is to generate public awareness and promote growth and acceptance of contemporary Square, Round and Traditional Folk Dance by encouraging and assisting a coalition of allied dance groups. The ARTS will provide leadership and resources necessary to create an achievable marketing program. The ARTS will encourage, promote and support healthy lifestyles through dance programs and events that provide fun and effective exercise for both mind and body, all within a unique system of social interaction.
Camping is available for the June 25-28, 2025 National Convention a short distance from the Convention Center
Benton, LA 5400 Benton Rd. Southern Swingers has workshops every Tuesday from 7:00-9:30 PM. All PLUS last 30 minutes. Saturday dance each month on 2nd Saturday 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.. 2 1/2 hours of Square Dancing. For Round dance schedule please see Red River Rounders below. Visit our Facebook page, Southern Swingers Square Dance, email, or call Sonny Watts, President 318-286-7974.
NEW "LOUISIANA Lagniappe" "gonna push it a little past standard". Once a month, Fridays: 1/24, 2/28, 4/18, 5/30, 6/20. Basic - PLUS 7:00 - 9:00 PM Tim Tyl Caller Donation Dance
Covington, LA 317 N. Jefferson Ave. Greater Covington Center (rear side)
Ozone Squares Dance on Monday nights from 7:30-9:30 (Except Quarter dances)
See the full calendar of dances by following link to our website.
Slidell, LA
35386 Home Estate Drive Tammany Twirlers dance on Tuesday night: 7:00- 9:00 Square Dance Class/Workshop and Saturday nights 6:00 Pre-rounds, dancing from 6:30-8:30 2+2. Click below for more info.
Michael Kenney Recreation Ctr.
601 W Coleman
Hammond, LA
Y-knots dance on the first four Thursday nights
7 to 9 PM
Russel & Sandy 985-748-5176
Pineville, LA
Dances once a month on the 1st Saturday. Contact Carolyn Barger at
See Saws dance on Friday Nights 6:00 - 8:00 PM at Girard Park Recreation Center, Lafayette, LA
Club Caller: Chuck Burnum
Contact Club President at 318-529-9147 or 278-744-5011
Club President's email:
Ouachita Squares Dance Club
We dance at the Ouachita Council on Aging
2407 Ferrand Street
Monroe, LA 71201
We have FUN workshops every Monday night.
Contact: Tim Spires - President
Steve King - Vice President
Twin City Twirlers dance every Monday 6-8 PM at Pineville First United Methodist Church, 2550 Monroe Hwy. Pineville, LA. Monthly dances are the 3rd Friday of the month, at Palestine Methodist Church, LA 623, 0.7 mile west of US 165. The monthly dance begins with dinner at 6:00 PM, dancing until 8:30. For additional information contact Brian or Ravon Barton (318) 446-1516
Red River Rounders
5400 Benton Rd.
Benton, LA 71037
This is the same location as the Southern Swingers Square Dance Club
RRR's have workshops every Monday and Thursday
Contact Ken Vantiger or Martin Philyaw at
(318) 425-4832
JANUARY JEWEL January 16-17, 2026
Promenade Hall, 5400 Benton Rd.
For more information contact Melissa Mullins
(409) 771-4443 email:
Basic-Mainstream Plus: Fridays 7:00 - 9:00PM 1/24, 2/28, 4/18, 5/30, 6/20
5400 Benton Rd. Benton, LA Tim Tyl or guest caller (Vernon Jones coming)
We are sad to report that Wes Barton passed away on Thursday December 5, 2024. Wes was a member of Swinging Rebels out of Westlake/Jennings, LA and a long term executive member of the Louisiana Square Dance Association. Wes and Fay served as LSDA Presidents in 2002-2003 and in 2007-2008. Fay died in 2023 and Wes made a donation in his wife's name to LSDA which we will use for the promotion of square dancing in Louisiana.
Eddie Hadley
(504)427-9834 Webmaster - (318)268-5634